Repetitive Accurate Dispensing of 30ul
The Inox “T-1000” Repeating Syringe Dispenser is a low cost, high accuracy accessory for repetitive dispensing. Each press of the button dispenses 1/50th of the syringe volume. The precision fluid measuring device consistently
dispenses samples up to 50 times.


  • Inox Repeater Dispenser mechanically advances the
    syringe plunger by 1.2mm
  • On a 60mm scale length at full volume of the respective
    syringe, the 1/50th volume is accurately dispensed
  • Autoclavable at 121°C for 20 minutes
  • Dosing Accuracy : Tolerance < 1% of dose
  • Calibration certificate with each syringe
  • 1.5ml syringe can dispense volumes of 30uL respectively

Some typical uses includes:
– Preparing standard solutions
– Filling microliter trays
– Feeding cell cultures
– Spotting TLC plates
– Human leukocyte locus-A (HLA) tissue typing
– Dosing small animals (Intracelebral)
– Industrial applications include lubricating small
bearings or parts, applying liquid solder, and
dispensing mercury

It is the most versatile, hand-held, semiautomated
dispensers available in the market today. The repeating
dispenser is compatible with the fixed needle (LTFN), luer tip
(LT), or PTFE Luer Lock (TLL) syringes. The size available is of
1.5ml, which can dispense volumes of 30pL respectively
with the “T-1000.” Every time you press the dispenser
button, the “T-1000” Repeating Dispenser mechanically
advances the syringe plunger by 1.2mm. Based on a 60 mm
scale length at full volume of the respective syringe, the
1/50th volume is accurately dispensed. Most fluids can be
effectively handled using either a 22 gauge needle. You can
use with the Luer Tip (LT), syringes and to work with your
specific needles. The TRUTH “T1000” dispenser has virtually
unlimited applications when there is a need to deliver liquid
volumes of 30pL repeatedly up to 50 times before refilling.

Catalog Volume Graduation Pack Catalog Reference
Center all glass Tip
(LT) Syringe
1.5ml 0.03ml 1pc 42-61-01-80
Fixed Needle (LTFN)
1.5ml 0.03ml 1pc 42-61-66-80
CPTFE Luer Lock (TLL)
1.5ml 0.03ml 1pc 42-61-65-80
INOX Repeater
1pc T-1000